Exterior Design Colours
How to paint my building?
What are the best exterior design colours? Naturally, exterior design is the first look people get when they pass or even approach to a place. And that’s what you will see every day in case we are talking about painting your home or office. This is an important issue as we should keep on liking the look of where we stay for a while. A consideration of the right exterior design colour can prevent eventual dislikes leading to repaints and higher costs. Neutrals colours are most common as exterior design colours as they melt into their environment playing it safe. This colours include white, grey and beige in different saturations. Natural colours or materials connect the place with nature which will always come with a soothing effect. They can be great to calm down and keep us grounded in our speedy lifestyle. A good recovery is needed when we go home from our stressful job, annoying colleagues or emotional meetings. Our body wants to rest and refuel preparing for a new challenge. Natural colours for exterior design include brown and green.Bedroom Colours
Which bedroom colours are the best?
This is a question only you can decide because you are the one sleeping there. But there are a few things to consider that can help you with your decision: Do you have problems with sleeping as falling asleep, night mares or sleeping healthy seven hours a day? Or do you experience difficulties getting up in the morning? You might as well still feel tired or drained when you wake up. Reflect a little about how you feel in the morning and evening because for every struggle, we can find a solution in colour. Knowing that, the decision of the ideal bedroom colours gets much easier. For example soothing colours as Purple or Indigo could be used to calm down in the evening. Blue can help you relax and prevent nightmares and Red could boost your motivation in the morning. Of course the colours should be to your liking as well.6 inspiring interior design ideas
Beautiful yoga mats as part of interior design
Integrate Colour easily into your daily life. Our self-designed yoga mats are a great interior design idea to add colour to your home. They feel soft to walk on and can be put where ever you like. If you want to change the feeling of the room again just relocate the mat.